14 May
Networking Events- Boon or Bane By Cleona Britto- D’Souza
Networking Events- Boon or Bane By Cleona Britto- D’Souza

Depending on who you are talking to, you will get significantly different views on the usefulness of networking events.

Depending on who you are talking to, you will get significantly different views on the usefulness of networking events. The problem is both would be right as networking events can turn out to be a successful or unsuccessful exercise depending upon your expectations, goals, approach and attitude.

In a world that prides itself in being connected through virtual platforms where it is now possible to conduct business with a person without ever meeting him in person, the whole concept of networking events comes under a question mark. One can often hear people saying that these events are now redundant and have nothing of value to offer.

Want to know what I think about this? Coming from a business background and being the founder of networking groups, I have a very different take on networking events. I firmly believe that it's not the events that are failing but the people participating in them. For a change instead of listing out the things that one should do at a networking event, today I am going to talk about what you should avoid doing at such events in future.

You don't fully understand what Networking is about.

Most people don't fully comprehend the concept of networking and are blindly following tricks that they have observed others doing or read about somewhere. Networking is about exchanging of value and not just a business card. Amongst the pile of visiting cards that your potential clients leave with, yours should mean something to them. This is unlikely to happen unless you have taken the time and effort to have a real conversation with them. 

You attend events to Sell rather than build and connect.

You have met someone for the first time in your life, and five minutes into the conversation, you are shoving your products or service down their throat. Do this, and you will never hear from them again. Remember that the opposite person is also attending the event with the same goals as you, first build a connection and try and have a conversation that they will recall. They are meeting a hundred other people in the event, make sure you stand out. The business will only follow if the connection you make is genuine.

You convey the what but forget the ‘WHY’.

How many times have you told people about what your business is? But have you shared the reason for being in that particular business or why you provide a service? The story behind your brand is the best way to connect and pitch yourself. Make people interested in your story, they will automatically get interested in the business.

You don't follow-up with new connections.

You met some fantastic people. You had a few insightful conversations. And then you came back and forgot all about them. The chances are that you will connect with them again only when a need arises six months later. But by that time, they would have forgotten you. The most important thing is to do a brief and subtle follow up with people you connected with, without selling anything to them. Establish a permanent connection with them and then wait for an apt time to make your sales pitch.

You're attending the wrong types of networking events.

How many times have you landed up at an event and realised that the audience is not the kind you can do business with? There can be various reasons for this; they belong to a profession that has no use for your service or to the economic strata where they cannot afford your products. It does not matter, land up at an unsuitable event, and you will be just wasting your time and energy without any positive results. Don't blindly attend all networking events. Do your research, find out which events will give you the most value against your time and efforts. Another good thing is to identify organisers whose ethos matches your goals and attend events curated by them.

You attend networking events without Preparation

Attending a networking event is not a frivolous activity. Most people attend these events without any proper vision. The only thing that they do in terms of preparation is to carry a stack of visiting cards. They waste valuable time handing out their cards and having random conversations. Trust me; it will not bear any fruit. Never attend an event without planning. This includes research on the crowd likely to come, preparing a brief introduction about yourself and your company. Being very clear as to which kind of people you want to connect with, and focusing on only those while you are there.

Always remember that no MAN or Woman is an island. We require connections to survive in business the same way we do in other spheres of our life. Networking is not a fancy term, but a practice, humans have indulged in, since time immemorial and it will always remain an integral part of our lives. I hope I have succeeded in clearing up your doubts about Networking Events and hopefully motivated you to attend them with new vigour and vision.